Animal Success Stories
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Sabbath ... Aka ...Gentle Ben ...Benny...has traded his cot for a cozy chair by the window. He and Annie each have a chair and are watching the world go by...and those squirrels really seem to get him going! My granddaughter chose his name because he has been so sweet and gentle with us and all his new dog friends. He's met the neighbors lab, my daughters lab and of course his new buddy Annie..all great! When I started calling him Benny he just came...he didn't go for Tux so much...even though I think he does look all dressed up in a tux! LOL!

We took a long hike yesterday in the bird sanctuary and he loved all the smells....was great on the leash and has been good in the yard.
I cannot thank all of you enough...he is a gentle soul and we all love him!

(847) 836-7387 •  info [ at ]